Rare Candy Cheat Pokemon Red
Go to Cheats, then go to Rare Candy cheat. The cheat is 820. Enable it by clicking on it. If done properly, it will be depicted by a right tick mark. Go to a Pokemon Center and go to the PC or even your home PC and hit A. Go to your PC and then Item Storage, and press Withdraw. It will display rare candy in an unlimited amount. For those of you who own the action replay for ds go to www.code junkies.com click on the usa icon the look for the pokemon platinum.the codes include the rare candy code its not 999 its 900 but if you follw the insructions and press the correct buttons you will have infinite.

Answer 2 ur question after u beat the elite four after pokedex has been upgraded go to cerulean cave and go to the end of it it will be at level 70 and you catch moltres on mt ember on one island on level 50 you catch zapdos in the power plant you catch articuno in seafoam islands but u have to go the way from fuchia city u can catch raikou entei and suicine but it depends on ur starter charmander- suicuine squirtle- raikou bulbasaur- entei u catch them in any random spot but if u want to catch celebi hooh lugia mew and Pokemon like that u need some type of cheating thing like a gameshark. Those are candies you give to Pokemon. They advance their level by 1.
Rare Candy Cheat For Pokemon Red
Here are a few ways to get some rare candies: - If you have 2 gameboys and 2 Pokemon leafgreen or firered games: - i suggest starting a new game on one of them and trading the rare candies to the other game. - If you have only one game or gameboy: - i suggest catching many meowths and fighting trainers or wild Pokemon. The meowths pickup ability makes it find items such as berries, nuggets and sometimes rare candies. Make sure that the meowths don't have any items on them or they wont pick up anything. -You can also go to the island with all the rich people(I think it's 5 island) and go into the house where a lady asks to see a certain Pokemon(Save the game before you ask so if don't have the Pokemon you can restart).
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Rare Candy Cheat Code Pokemon Red
When you show her the Pokemon she will give you items such as luxury balls, star peices, and sometimes rare candies. First you need a Meowth, its actually better to get a team of Meowths though.
Then, go in a Pokemon battle (With wild Pokemon or in a trainer battle) afterwards one of your Meowths might be holding an item! This is Meowths speacil 'Pick-up' it might not be a 'Rare Candy' yet, The rarer the Pokemon the rarer the item will be! I didn't realize this at first so I spent 2 days getting Berries! Lol I hope this helps ^.^ and if you want to do the same in sapphire,emerald or ruby catch a zigzagoon 14. When you enter the game fly to viridian city and talk to the old man who shows you how to catch pokemon, when he asks if you are in a hurry say no, after he shows how to catch pokemon, fly directly to cinnabar islands.
Rare Candy Glitch Pokemon Red
Face the poke center but do not go in instead go right till you get to the coast, there you can surf on half land, half water. Soal cpns dan pembahasannya. Keep surfing on that same strip until you come across missingno. When you come across missingno. Run or fight but dont capture it.