Download Business Studies Textbook
Author by: Ian Marcouse Languange: en Publisher by: Hodder Arnold Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 77 Total Download: 778 File Size: 50,5 Mb Description: Edexcel Business Studies for GCSE is a reliable and accessible textbook for the latest suite of Edexcel GCSE Business specifications. Fully trialled, this resource covers the Introduction to Small Business and Building a Business units. The book is written in a lively and accessible manner by the leading author and authority on Business Education in the UK.
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Download Business Studies Textbook Grade 12
Microsoft office 2016 piratebay torrent. Edexcel Business Studies for GCSE: - Ensures that students will study the correct topics to the appropriate level of depth required by the specification, and motivates and prepares students to achieve the best possible results- Engages students with numerous activities and exercises for classroom and homework use- Motivates students with real-life case studies and examples - Supports exam preparation with exam tips and exam-style questions Accompanying Dynamic Learning online resources provide full interactive classroom and assessment support. Visit to start your free trial. Author by: Chris J. Nuttall Languange: en Publisher by: Cambridge University Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 21 Total Download: 305 File Size: 52,6 Mb Description: A student-friendly textbook that closely matches the specification from Edexcel and provides comprehensive topic coverage. GCSE Business Studies is divided into eight sections, which are in turn divided into units. Each unit has a brief introduction followed by a Business in context section, which presents a real world or realistic setting for the topic covered.
Questions which follow help students to understand the implications of the topic. There are also activities which encourage students to explore the topic in more detail and which support the development of key skills. Each unit contains definitions of key terms and ends with a summary of the topic covered. Author by: Neil Denby Languange: en Publisher by: Philip Allan Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 70 Total Download: 291 File Size: 54,9 Mb Description: A revision guide specifically for students following the Edexcel GCSE Business Studies course. This revision guide has been designed to help students prepare for their GCSE exams, introducing them to key points, clarification of key terms and phrases, and providing concise revision notes to kick-start their own revision. - Improves students understanding of the specification and how their knowledge applies - Supports revision with exam-style section tests and practice exams - Answers to all the tests are provided at online at