Flexi 10 Starter

Calibrating the Cutter The first step in using is to calibrate the cutter so that it works correctly with the software. This involves setting the distance from the cutter blade's tip to the within the software.

Flexi 10 Starter Download

Sep 07, 2018  FlexiStarter™ is the complete text and graphics layout program that can run on the Windows platform. FlexiStarter™ allows you to do both cutting and designing of your signs at same time.


Creating a Template In FlexiSTARTER 10, open a new project under the File tab. Create a 3 inch by 3 inch square at the center of the canvas. Go to the Effects tab and select 'Contour Cut' to create a contour profile around the square with the offset set to zero. Click on the green check mark to finalize the contour profile. Finally, create registration marks for the contour cut by selecting 'Contour Cut Mark' under the Effects tab.

Cutting the Template Feed a section of into the cutter. Click on the Cut icon to cut the square out of the vinyl. Next, leaving the vinyl on the cutter, click on the Contour Cut icon next to the Cut icon, which should become active once a contour path is created in the file. Select the options tab in the Cut Contour screen, then Edit and Select Cut Fast.

Set the Offset X and Offset Y values to zero. Execute the Contour cut. Measuring the Difference The distance between these two cuts is the information needed to calibrate the cutter in FlexiSTARTER 10. Measure the distance at both the X and Y axis using or a graduated ruler. Enter these values in the Offset X and Offset Y boxes on the Contour Cut screen. Rerun both the regular cut and the contour cut.

New in Flexi 10, a link option has been added to the import dialog for Adobe® PDF files. Linking the PDF file will ensure that the proper colors are used from the original file. Text and objects can be added and the Make Transparent Tool and Contour Cut effect can be applied. By targetman02May 10, 2016. SAi provides sign making software for all production environments. We have a solution for all of your design and printing needs. Software flexi 10 free download. Flexistarter 10 download. Flexi 8.1 software free. Flexi 8.1 cutting software download. Flexi pro 10 software free download. Latest updates. PEVSoft Trainz Mesh Viewer. Viewers & Editors. Device Assistants. BENZING ClubSystem Download.

If the machine has been calibrated correctly, the cuts should be right on top of one another. Generating Cuts in FlexisSTARTER 10 FlexiSTARTER 10 is complex software with a wide range of performance options.

There are, however, some basic steps every user can leverage to get started with the software. Working with Images FlexiSTARTER 10 users can create graphics within FlexiSTARTER or import files from compatible drawing programs such as or CorelDRAW. It is important for first-time users to understand that non-vector images such as JPEGs or bitmaps do not work as precisely with the software.

These images get a general oval or rectangle offset since the program cannot process the detail of the image. Only a vectorized image gets an offset that runs along the exact contour of the image. Use a program such as Inkscape to vectorize an image, if needed. Working with Text To cut text with FlexiSTARTER 10, click on the Text tool on the toolbar. FlexiSTARTER users should then click on the design window and type in the text they want to cut. Users can select a custom typeface for the text under the Font menu. Next, click on the Cut icon and feed the section of vinyl onto the cutter.

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Enter dimensions that are slightly smaller than the actual vinyl into the material sizing section of the Cut screen. Finally, create a weed border for the text under the Options tab.

This creates a border around the cut text that makes it easier to separate from the main section of vinyl. How to Buy FlexiSTARTER 10 and Vinyl Cutting Products on eBay FlexiSTARTER users can find many of the and machines they need on. You can begin on the site by using the search bar on any page to run a keyword search for an item. This action pulls up a list of all the products on the site that relate to your selected keyword term.

As you review your results, you can click on individual, highlighted titles to get a closer look at specific items. Look for products from Top-rated seller with a reputation of excellent customer service to ensure a smooth transaction.

Flexi 10 Starter Download

Flexi 12 FlexiSIGN SAi Flexi Cloud adds a new dimension to the feature-rich attributes of SAi’s leading sign making software, Flexi, which provides easy text layout and vinyl cutting packages that offer high production capabilities with cutting and printing tools. Easily accessible via a Cloud Web Window that sits on a user’s desktop display, SAi Flexi Cloud has been introduced to meet the changing needs of sign providers.