Toad Sql Freeware
Are you trying to connect to a named instance of SQl server, rather than a default instance? For example, my machine has a SQL7 instance and a SQL2000 instance. Connecting to the named instances of LOWELL or LOWELL SQL2000 presents no problem; but from within the network, connecting by IP address requires a port number to get to the named instance, ie,1205; the default instances listens at port 1433.
Download Dell Toad for SQL Server 6.5 Run faster, more reliable databases by doing more work in less time with Toad™ for SQL Server®. Pokemon soul silver randomizer nuzlocke download. This single toolset maximizes productivity through extensive automation, intuitive workflows and built-in expertise.
See this post for more details if you think that is the case: Lowell -- help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE. Statement and INSERT INTO. Statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. With your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! Asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible! The IP address is correct and there is only one instance of SQL 2000 running on the server.
Quest SQL Monitor is a free utility which is currently available with a licensed copy of Toad for Oracle or as a download from Toad WorldQuest Software reserves the right to remove, change or alter this utility at any time. Currently we do not have a direct download link available for Toad for MySQL - Freeware. Our team is constantly working on adding more downloads to the site. Clicking the download link will search for the Toad for MySQL - Freeware download on Bing. Find the official Toad for MySQL. Toad® for MySQL Freeware is a tool that improves the productivity of developers and administrators by providing an easy-to-use development environment. Toad for MySQL empowers MySQL developers and administrators develop code more efficiently.

Quest Toad For Oracle
I have been troubleshooting the issue and installed Query Analyzer on my local machine and tried to connect via the same connection route. I received the exact same error message. So both Toad and Query Analyzer cannot connect via IP address through the method I am using or at least the connection parameters I am using.