Red Dead Redemption 2 Comparison
I’m a cognitive scientist, retired professor, musician, gamer, and avid cyclist with a B.A in History, an M.S. In History and Philosophy of Science, and a Ph.D. In Cognitive Psychology. In addition to papers in professional scientific journals, I’ve written the book Nutrition for Cyclists: Eating and Drinking Before, During and After the Ride, articles for Ars Technica, Priceonomics, Psychology Today and Massively, and the blogs The Info Monkey and Tuned In To Cycling. Parametric Monkey, my musical identity, can be streamed on Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube and others. You can find me at The Info Monkey on Facebook, @TheInfoMonkey on Twitter and contact me at The author is a Forbes contributor.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a huge open world game and while the map size can appear to be similar, it features more verticality and a better living and breathing world than its predecessor.
The opinions expressed are those of the writer. ‘Red Dead Redemption II’ Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II are two of the year’s best games.
They offer engaging story lines, many hours of varied gameplay and beautifully realized worlds. They are also extremely impressive technical achievements especially when played on the Xbox One X.
This article compares performance in both games. Other articles in the series cover.
You have to take resolution into account when talking about performance on today’s consoles. There are 8,294,400 pixels in a native 4K (3840 x 2160) image. Each of those pixels has to be drawn on the screen every 16.6 milliseconds to maintain a 60 fps frame rate. No console is powerful enough to do this unless the graphics are extremely simple. The solution is to either reduce resolution below 4K or double the render time to 33.3 milliseconds by dropping frame rate to 30 fps.
Most A-list games let the player decide which option they prefer by offering a choice between modes that emphasize either graphics or performance. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and Red Dead Redemption II stand apart by refusing to give players these options. Instead, both games go all-in on graphics and cap frame rate at 30 fps. How each game trades off between graphics and performance depends on how they handle resolution.
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How close they come to hitting the 30 fps target depends on the console. ‘Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’ Assassin’s Creed Odyssey The performance story is straightforward for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey because the game uses dynamic resolution scaling to protect frame rate at the cost of resolution. A table with Odyssey’s minimum, average and maximum resolutions for the Xbox and PlayStation consoles can be for those who are interested.
The One X and PS4 Pro lock on 30 fps with only a few brief drops of a frame or two during high stress scenes. Performance on the Pro is a little worse than the One X, but the difference between the two is inconsequential. Frame rates can drop into the low-to-mid 20’s during high-stress scenes on the Xbox One S and base PS4 with the PS4 outperforming the One S most of the time. Frame rate comparison between the Xbox One X and One S. Red Dead Redemption II The performance story for Red Dead Redemption II is a lot more interesting. RDR2 doesn’t use dynamic resolution scaling to protect frame rate. Instead it renders at different resolutions on the different consoles and lets frame rate fall where it may up to the 30 fps cap.
Red Dead Redemption 2 Comparison Screenshots
Here are the frame renders for each console along with the render’s percent of full 4K and the number of pixels that must be dawn onscreen every 33.3 milliseconds to maintain 30 fps. Console Render Percent 4K Pixels Xbox One X 3840 x 2160 100% 8,294,400 PS4 Pro 1920 x 2160 50% 4,147,200 PS4 1920 x 1080 25% 2,073,600 Xbox One S 1536 x 864 16% 1,327,104 The One X renders at native 4K. The Pro cuts that resolution in half but it gains the benefit of only having to draw half as many pixels every 33.3 milliseconds. The PS4 renders at native 1080p and draws half as many pixels as the Pro. The One S brings up the rear with very low resolution but also relatively few pixels to draw. In a series of tests carried out by, frame rates in RDR2 hit the 30 fps target almost all the time on all the consoles when your character is out in the wild.