Pass The Message Examples

I want dedicated architecture that allows my Windows 10 phone to sync with my Windows PC and Windows tablet so that I can send and receive texts (as my mobile account) when I'm using my other devices. How to get texts on computer sprint. (I just like the operating system on the phone and the live tiles along with some of the other features.) I want a completely windows experience; however, I still want to text from my computer and tablet (and send as my mobile number from these devices). Nokia did something similar to this with its suite way back, and Mac iOS has been doing this across their Macbooks and iPads for the last year.


The Telephone game is popularly referred to as 'Chinese Whispers', 'Broken Telephone', or 'Pass the Message'. The term Chinese Whispers has been considered offensive as it denotes sheer confusion and can be misinterpreted as the Chinese language being incomprehensible.

Message passing, in computer terms, refers to the sending of a message to a process which can be an object, parallel process, subroutine, function or thread. MultiProcessor world - Taxonomy. Message Passing. Shared Memory.

3 Concurrent Programming One of the main reasons for using Erlang instead of other functional languages is Erlang's ability to handle concurrency and distributed programming. By concurrency is meant programs that can handle several threads of execution at the same time. For example, modern operating systems allow you to use a word processor, a spreadsheet, a mail client, and a print job all running at the same time.

Each processor (CPU) in the system is probably only handling one thread (or job) at a time, but it swaps between the jobs at such a rate that it gives the illusion of running them all at the same time. It is easy to create parallel threads of execution in an Erlang program and to allow these threads to communicate with each other. In Erlang, each thread of execution is called a process. (Aside: the term 'process' is usually used when the threads of execution share no data with each other and the term 'thread' when they share data in some way. Threads of execution in Erlang share no data, that is why they are called processes). The Erlang BIF spawn is used to create a new process: spawn(Module, Exported_Function, List of Arguments). Consider the following module.

Pass The Message Activity

Spawn(tut14, say_something, [goodbye, 3]). Spawn returns a process identifier, or pid, which uniquely identifies the process. So is the pid of the spawn function call above. The next example shows how to use pids. Notice also that ~p is used instead of ~w in io:format.

Pass the message game

Pass The Message Game Examples

To quote the manual: '~p Writes the data with standard syntax in the same way as ~w, but breaks terms whose printed representation is longer than one line into many lines and indents each line sensibly. It also tries to detect lists of printable characters and to output these as strings'. In the following example two processes are created and they send messages to each other a number of times.

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